Parasitic Infections: Are They Contagious? How To Treat Them Naturally

Parasitic infections are a major public health problem. They affect the lives of millions of people worldwide, but the burden is not evenly distributed. In Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, parasitic infections affect around 60% of adults, while in Latin America they affect 30%. Most people are infected by one or more parasites at some point in their lives and many never experience any symptoms.


Parasitic infection is a disease caused by parasitic worms that invade the body. The parasites can be found in the digestive tract, lungs, and blood. The parasites live in the small intestine of humans and animals. Symptoms of parasitic infection include weight loss, weakness, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The symptoms of parasitic infection can be very debilitating and may result in death if not treated properly. Parasitic infection can be prevented by taking precautions such as avoiding unclean water sources, keeping your pets clean


There are many different types of parasitic infections. 

  1. Parasitic Infections in Humans: An intestinal worm infection is a common parasitic infection in humans. It is caused by ingesting parasite eggs that have been excreted from the anus of an infected person, which causes small white worms to develop inside the body and travel through the bloodstream to various organs including the lungs, liver, and brain.
  2. Parasitic Infections in Animals: Fleas carry tapeworms on their back, which can infect animals like dogs and cats. The flea lays its eggs on a dog or cat’s skin before it dies and then when the eggs hatch they are eaten by another animal that ingests them before passing them along to another host or human again.
  3. Human Piroplasmosis: This type of parasitic infection occurs after being bitten by an infected mosquito while outdoors, causing fever and flu-like symptoms as well as muscle aches and pain for up to three weeks after exposure to mosquitoes carrying this type of parasite


Diagnosis of parasitic infection is one of the most important things that you need to know. An individual can be having a parasitic infection without realizing it. It is very important to understand the signs and symptoms of a parasitic infection.

The blood of a patient may be a source of concern for the doctor. It may contain parasites, bacteria, and other infectious agents. The presence of parasites in the blood can lead to various health problems, like the infection of the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. The doctor can also find parasites in the stool and urine.


Parasitic infections are very common among humans and can be diagnosed by a simple blood test. Parasitic infections are caused by parasites that reside in the body. These parasites live in the blood, tissues, and organs of humans and animals.

- It is important to treat the infection as soon as possible.

- The best treatment for parasitic infections is to use medication that kills the parasite.

- You can also use medications that kill the parasite in your body.

-Parathyst All Natural Dewormer


Parasitic infection is one of the most common infections. It is caused by a type of bacteria called a parasite. These parasites live in the intestines and cause problems when they multiply too quickly. There are several different types of parasitic infection, but all are treated with medicine that kills them off. Try the product today!