How to Treat Varicose Veins Naturally, Without Surgery

Most often varicose veins are bemoaned by women who look in the mirror and see that their legs aren’t as youthful and sinewy as they used to be, but varicose veins affect men as well as women, and don’t just happen in the legs.

Oronerv strengthens the valves & the inner linings of the veins so that the blood can flow upwards smoothly. It removes any constrictions in the affected portion near the veins.

Acidim reduces production of free radicals & toxins, thus reducing the pressure on valves. A balance in the body’s pH levels in sufficiently maintained and the valves start functioning normally, allowing the blood to flow upwards smoothly. This addresses the root cause of the problem, thereby minimizing chances of recurrence of the same condition in the body later.

With over 3000 patients successfully healed in the past year, Oronerv and Acidim have shown their effectiveness in varicose veins treatment.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Swollen, twisted blue and purple veins that you can see just under the surface of the skin – that strange, meandering, vine-like growth that looks as if an otherworldly creature has made its way into your body – is really just a varicose vein.


Are They Just Unsightly, or Do Varicose Veins Signify Other Problems?

Though many people want to get rid of varicose veins for pure vanity, they can be the result of, or an indication of other, more serious health conditions such as blood clotting, high blood pressure, heart failure, and even skin infections that can occur when the skin begins to break down in and around the affected area of a varicose vein.

Along with swelling of the feet, a varicose vein can indicate that blood is not making it back to the heart to by cleaned and circulated throughout the rest of the body.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

While the most obvious symptoms of varicose veins are the red, purple, or blue swollen and twisted veins visible just under the skin, muscle cramps, burning, and itching can often accompany these unattractive, bulging veins in our body. You might also experience mild swelling or just a felling of having ‘heavy’ legs. Oddly, there is no comparison between the severity of a varicose vein and the way it looks. Some people who have very extreme varicose veins may not have any other health concerns, and those who have a mild varicose vein could have significant problems with their heart, or their cardiovascular system.


Risk Factors

Those who have a genetic predisposition for varicose veins are more likely to develop them, as are women, the obese, and people who have occupations which require them to stand for long periods of time, but in some cases, a varicose vein is nothing more than a cosmetic concern. Moreover, lifestyle changes, and a simple herbal remedy can remedy this problem, restoring a correct flow of blood to and from the heart.


Why Do Varicose Veins Happen?

In order to understand how varicose veins happen, we need to look at how our veins and arteries work. A vein is essentially a one-way valve that pumps blood back to the heart. Arteries, on the other hand, carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body. You can look at these two valves like a cleaning system for the blood. The heart helps to oxygenate blood, but it must be recycled through the veins first, for this to happen.


Three Different Types of Veins 

There are some fancy medical names for the different types of veins in the body, but suffice to say, The Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) and the Small Saphenous Vein (SSV) are the two major veins of the superficial vein system in the legs. They run from the groin area to the foot, and then from the back of the calf to the ankle. Other veins branch off from the GSV and SSV to travel throughout the body.

People with varicose veins likely have a failing GSV or SSV vein.


The Deep Vein System

The physiology of the venous system (the network of veins in our bodies) is very complex. Aside from the GSV and the SSV, a whole host of ‘deep veins’ carry most of the blood flow back from our lower extremities to our hearts.

Deep veins in our bodies are responsible for transporting as much as 90% of the blood in our legs back to the heart. This is why varicose veins often affect the legs first.

Anyone who has extra pressure on their lower extremities (pregnant women, people who have to stand all day for their jobs, or individuals who put extra pressure on their veins due to excess bodyweight caused by obesity) will experience varicose veins more often.


Additional factors which can contribute to varicose veins include:

  • A change in hormones in the body which can affect blood viscosity (the way in which blood flows)
  • An imbalance of pH levels
  • Aging
  • Leg Injuries


How Are Varicose Veins Normally Diagnosed and Treated?

Aside from a visual analysis, varicose veins are diagnosed by using duplex ultrasound to look at the circulatory system of the leg. This means taking a sharp, two-dimensional picture that gives doctors a full view of how your blood is flowing. While this is an improvement over the old method of diagnosis – involving a doctor just listening to blood flow in the leg with a Doppler device and trying to decide which veins are affected and where, it doesn’t bode well for any improved treatment.

The most commonly used method to treat varicose veins is surgery, but characterized by high recurrence rate of 60% after 5 years of follow-up.

Almost ALL of the more traditional treatments for varicose veins are very costly and variably invasive. Your doctor might suggest:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • Foam sclerotherapy of large veins
  • Laser surgeries
  • Catheter-assisted procedures using radiofrequency or laser energy
  • High ligation and vein stripping
  • Ambulatory phlebectomy
  • Endoscopic vein surgery

Sadly, many people are unware that there is a natural way to cure, and prevent the further development of varicose veins. Instead, their doctors usually refer them to a specialist, who then schedules a vein-stripping, or some other procedure that doesn’t really address the underlying cause of the development of varicose veins.

While you can try to wear high-compression stockings to prevent and hide varicose veins, do exercises like ‘legs up the wall,’ or viparita karani, a commonly practiced yoga posture which helps relieve the heart from its constant pumping, and makes it easier for the veins to send blood back to the heart, these are more preventative measures, which won’t necessarily undo a varicose vein that has already developed.

Still other people attempt home remedies like apple cider vinegar, or garlic, which are thought to thin the blood, but while these can help to prevent varicose veins, these are merely stop-gaps for a condition which may be signaling a much larger problem that needs to be addressed.


Why Surgeries So Often Fail

Surgery for varicose veins don’t work for a very important reason. The condition of varicose veins is a functional disorder in the valves. A surgery won’t fix the valves in the legs. It is a temporary solution, at best, to a much bigger problem. Moreover, the problem is never in just one valve. The ‘sick’ body has a tendency to form varicose veins. To get rid of this tendency for varicose veins to develop, one needs to heal the valves which push the blood upwards. This is not something that can be accomplished with surgery. That is why you see such high rates of recurrence of the varicose vein problem when people opt for this route.


Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins

For many people, another option for treatment of varicose veins requires no surgery, and instead relies on a natural, effective remedy which works to effectively eliminate varicose veins forever. Because varicose veins are acquired over a lifetime of lifestyle habits, and through a genetic predisposition, they won’t heal overnight, but utilizing this natural, non-surgical varicose vein treatment will get to the root of the issue, and take care of it for good. That way you won’t have to worry about the varicose veins coming back once you initially treat them.

Natural medicines only work if you also make steps to change your lifestyle to support better blood flow in the body overall. By eating in a healthful way, making sure you get exercise, and practicing postures, like legs up the wall if you stand all day at your job, you can lay the foundation for these natural medicines to work most effectively.

Two Natural Medicines and How They Work

One natural medicine, called Oronerv, strengthens the valves & the inner linings of the veins so that blood can flow up toward the heart smoothly. This herbal medicine removes any constrictions in the affected areas of the veins. Oronerv also acts as a Neurovascular tonic, thereby giving strength to the vascular and nervous system. Any damaged nerve endings will thus be replenished by taking this herbal remedy.

A second natural medicine, ACIDIM, reduces the production of free radicals & toxins, thus reducing pressure on the valves responsible for blood flow. A balance in the body’s pH levels is sufficiently maintained and the valves start functioning normally, allowing the blood to flow as it should. ACIDIM addresses the root cause of the problem, thereby minimizing chances of recurrence of varicose veins in the body later on.

Grocare specializes in providing effective cures for common health problems, like varicose veins, with the hope that people do not have to succumb to costly and invasive surgeries, which often do not even cure the problem for which they are intended.

This is especially important to Grocare because many people complain that after a surgery, they do indeed experience a visual, physical change, but the pain remains. The root cause is left untreated. A balanced diet, a healthy mindset and body, and the right natural medicines can help thousands of people overcome this condition for good.